In this blog post, I will show you how to deploy a CUBA app to Heroku in ten steps (and probably ten minutes as well). With the Combination of CUBA, Github and Heroku you can focus on building your business logic. In this post, I will explain to you how to achieve that via a fast way to deploy your application.
Salesforce through the Lens of a Java Dev
Part 2 - Declarative Technology Solutions
This blog post series is about the learnings that I had during working in the domain of Salesforce Development. This blog post gives an overview on one side of the Salesforce technology coin: the declarative development solutions.
Salesforce through the Lens of a Java Dev
Part 1 - Salesforce Landscape overview
This blog post series is about the learnings that I had during working in the domain of Salesforce Development. I will try to put Salesforce into a broader context and compare it to the previous experience - in particular CUBA.
Lessons from creating a CUBA addon
This blog post we will walk through the process of creating an application component for CUBA. It is based on the recently released default-values addon, that provides the ability to configure default values for entity attributes at runtime.
You will learn something about the default-values internal implementation as well as some internals of the CUBA framework.
Don't squash your business logic
In this blog post let’s try to understand where business logic in a CUBA app can and should go - and why you shouldn’t squash it. But wait: What is actually business logic? And does it at all have something to do with CUBA?